The ignition system develops in each cylinder a spark at a given time. It ignites submitted топливовоздушную a mix. For this purpose in the coil of ignition pressure of the storage battery 12 In will be transformed to pressure 25 000-30 000 V.Elektronnyj the block of management of a control system by the engine equipped by memory for record of codes of the malfunctions arising in system of ignition during movement of the car. Before repair of system of ignition it is necessary to consider at first codes of malfunctions from memory of the block of management. Interrogation of memory of the block of management is carried out by the special device through the diagnostic socket which is under the panel of devices.
Security measures at works with elements of electronic system of ignition
Pressure in a high-voltage part of system of ignition makes to 30 sq. Under adverse circumstances, for example at the raised humidity in a motor compartment, pressure jumps can punch isolation that at a contact can lead to an electrotrauma. To avoid traumas and-or damages of electronic system of ignition, at works on cars with electronic ignition it is necessary to adhere to following rules:
– Before проворачиванием a cranked shaft a starter (for example, at compression check) switch off ignition and disconnect a contact socket from the amplifier of capacity located on the coil of ignition;
– Do not concern with hands and do not disconnect high-voltage wires of system of ignition on the working engine or at проворачивании a cranked shaft of the engine a starter;
– Disconnect wires of system of ignition only at the switched off ignition;
– Spend connection and switching-off of control devices (a tachometre and an ignition tester) only at the switched off ignition;
– At car towage which ignitions in system had a malfunction or its presence is supposed, it is necessary to disconnect a wire from the capacity amplifier;
– Start-up of the engine is supposed during
1 mines with the help быстрозарядного devices the maximum pressure 16,5 V.Posle of each attempt of start-up it is necessary to do a pause lasting not less than 1 mines;
– It is impossible to replace the ignition coil with the coil from other model or updating of the car with other engine. In no event it is impossible to establish the coil of ignition from contact system of ignition;
– The blackout of the storage battery can be spent only at the switched off ignition, differently it is possible to damage the block of management of system of ignition;
– Spend an engine sink only at the switched off ignition;
– With electronic system of ignition persons with электрокардиостимуляторами should not work;
– After heating to temperature more than +80 °С (for example, at painting works) do not start up the engine directly after heating;
– At work with electro- and spot welding completely disconnect the storage battery;
– Do not put to the block of management pressure for imitation of a target signal.
Elements of system of ignition
Fig. 7.28. An arrangement in a motor compartment of elements of system of ignition of engines with two camshafts in a head of the block of cylinders (DOHC): 1 – high voltage wires; 2 – spark plugs; 3 – the ignition coil
Fig. 7.29. An arrangement in a motor compartment of elements of system of ignition of engines with one camshaft in a head of the block of cylinders (SOHC): 1 – the ignition coil; 2 – high voltage wires
The arrangement in a motor compartment of elements of system of ignition of engines with two camshafts in a head of the block of cylinders (DOHC) is shown on fig. 7.28. The arrangement in a motor compartment of elements of system of ignition of engines with one camshaft in a head of the block of cylinders (SOHC) is shown on fig. 7.29.
The ignition coil
Removal and installation
Remove a safety lock of system of ignition (a fusible insert).
Disconnect wires.
Fig. 7.30. Fastening of the coil of ignition of engines in working volume of 1,1 l
Fig. 7.31. Fastening of the coil of ignition of engines in working volume 1,3, 1,5 and 1,6 l
Installation spend in an order, the return to removal.
Check of a technical condition
Fig. 7.32. Check of resistance of a primary winding of the coil of ignition: 1 – the coil of ignition of the second and third cylinders; 2 – the coil of ignition of the first and fourth cylinders
Check up resistance of a primary winding of coils between contacts «1» and «2» (fig. 7.32).
Check up resistance of a secondary winding of coils between high-voltage conclusions of the coil of the first and fourth cylinders and high-voltage conclusions of the second and third cylinders.
Fig. 7.33. Check of resistance of a secondary winding of the coil of ignition
Nominal resistance of a secondary winding of coils of ignition (13±15) a clod (fig. 7.33).
Check of resistance of secondary windings spend only at a disconnected socket of coils of ignition.
Spark plugs
Manufacturers of cars application of spark plugs is recommended
Certain type, but it is possible to use suitable candles and other types with corresponding калильным number.
Spark plugs should be cleared with the help пескоструйного the device through each 10 000 km of run of the car. Thus it is necessary to establish the corresponding interelectrode distance. At distance adjustment never turn in the central electrode as its ceramic insulator can burst.
Before отворачиванием spark plugs check up, that in wells of candles in a head of the block of cylinders there were no extraneous subjects. Got to apertures of candles of a washer, bolts or small stones will destroy valves, saddles of valves or a head of the block of cylinders at the first start-up of the engine. The spark plug consists of the central electrode, an insulator with the case and a lateral electrode of "weight". The central electrode is tightly established in an insulator. Last is strongly connected with the case. Between central and lateral electrodes the spark of ignition igniting топливовоздушную a mix in the cylinder of the engine slips. Starting qualities of the engine, character of its work depend on a spark plug idling, приемистость and the maximum speed of the car. Therefore it is not recommended to pass without the special reasons from the candles recommended by manufacturer, to candles of other type. The thermal characteristic (калильное number) candles is an exponent of thermal loading of a candle in the engine under certain conditions operation. Candles select so that at all possible service conditions of the car they reached self-cleaning temperatures. The more low калильное candle number, the above its resistibility калильному to ignition and the less its resistance to pollution. The above калильное number, the more low resistibility of a candle калильному to ignition and those above its resistance to pollution.
The kalilnoe number contains in a candle designation.
Fig. 7.34. A tip of a high-voltage wire of system of ignition of engines with one camshaft in a head of the block of cylinders (SOHC)
Fig. 7.35. A tip of a high-voltage wire of system of ignition of engines with two camshafts in a head of the block of cylinders (DOHC)
In order to avoid damage of a high-voltage wire disconnect it, having pulled for a wire tip, instead of for a wire (fig. 7.34 and 7.35 see)
Candle key turn out all spark plugs from a head of the block of cylinders.
Track that pollution have not got to cylinders through nests under spark plugs.
Check of a technical condition
Check up spark plugs on presence of following defects:
Fig. 7.36. Places of visual check of a condition of a spark plug
– Burning out of electrodes (a point 2);
– A deposit (a point 3);
– Lining damage (a point 4);
– Damage of a porcelain insulator on the candle end (a point 5).
Fig. 7.37. A backlash () between spark plug electrodes
Check up щупом and if necessary adjust a backlash And (fig. 7.37) between electrodes of spark plugs.
Backlash rating value between spark plug electrodes (at use неэтилированного gasoline) 1,0–1,1 mm.
Screw spark plugs a hand and tighten the moment 20–30 Н·м.
The excessive inhaling of candles can lead to damage of a carving of nests under candles.
Definition of a condition of the engine on appearance of spark plugs
The engine condition can be estimated on colour of a deposit on electrodes of spark plugs.
Check of spark plugs (at possibility проворачивания a cranked shaft of the engine)
Fig. 7.38. The scheme of check of a spark plug at проворачивании a cranked shaft of the engine a starter (ignition is included): 1 – the ignition coil; 2 – a spark plug; 3 – the ignition switch; 4 – the electronic block of management
The scheme of check of a spark plug at проворачивании a cranked shaft of the engine is shown by a starter (ignition is included) on fig. 7.38.
Attach a wire to a spark plug. Connect an external electrode candles (case) to "weight" and turn a cranked shaft. Owing to small pressure of environment short sparks are formed only. However, if the candle is serviceable, искрообразование should occur in a spark interval of a candle (between electrodes). At a faulty candle искрообразования will not be because of current leak through an insulator.