Repair Hyundai Getz

Hyundai Getz. The maintenance
+ 1. Operation and maintenance service
- 2. The engine
   Technical characteristics of engines
   Specifications of engines
   Technical characteristics of engines in working volume of 1,5 and 1,6 l
   Specifications of engines in working volume of 1,5 and 1,6 l
   Technical characteristics of cars with engines in working volume 1,1
   Engines in working volume of 1,1 and 1,3 l
   Technical condition of the engine
   Broad-brush observations on repair of engines
   Removal and installation of the power unit
   The general sequence of dismantling of the engine
   Обкатка the engine after repair
   Engine check on the car after repair
   The block of cylinders
   Shatunno-piston group
   Cranked shaft and flywheel
   Head of the block of cylinders
   Camshaft and its drive
   Cooling system
   Greasing system
   The power supply system
   System of release of the fulfilled gases
   Possible malfunctions of the engine, their reason and ways of elimination
   Malfunctions of hydraulic pushers of valves
   Malfunctions of system of giving of fuel and ways of their elimination
+ 3. Transmission
+ 4. A running gear
+ 5. A steering
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. An electric equipment
+ 8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes

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Hyundai Getz>> The engine>> Cooling system
Features of the device
Engines of cars Hyundai are equipped by circulating system of cooling. For circulation of a cooling liquid the centrifugal pump serves. The system of cooling of the engine consists of a shirt of cooling, a radiator with the electrofan, the centrifugal water pump, the thermostat and hoses. The cooling system works with a separate broad tank.
Management of a contour of a cooling liquid the thermostatic. While the engine cold, a cooling liquid circulates only in a head of the block of cylinders, the block of cylinders and the heat exchanger. In process of warming up of the engine the thermostat opens the big contour of system of cooling. The cooling liquid starts to move constantly working pump through a radiator of system of cooling. The cooling liquid passes through a radiator from top to down, being cooled passing between plates of a radiator air.
When the temperature of a cooling liquid is in a range 92–97 °С, the thermoswitch includes the radiator electrofan. The electrofan is put in action by the electric motor and works until the temperature of a cooling liquid will not fall more low 84–91 °С.

Be cautious – the radiator electrofan can join and at the switched off ignition. Because of heat in a motor compartment it can occur some times.

Thanks to that that the fan works changeably, useful capacity of the engine increases, the fuel expense decreases.
The beskorpusnyj thermostat of system of cooling – with firm thermosensitive наполнителем.
Radiator of system of cooling trubchato-lamellar, aluminium, with plastic tanks. The cooling liquid is filled in in system through a bulk mouth of the broad tank which stopper is supplied inlet and final by valves.

Cars with engines in working volume of 1,1 and 1,3 l  
Check of tightness of system of cooling
Wait, while the engine will cool down, then cautiously remove a radiator stopper.
Check up level of a cooling liquid (should be at the bottom edge of a mouth of a radiator).
Establish on a mouth of a radiator the adaptation for check of stoppers of a radiator and create in system pressure 140 кПа (1,4 kgs/sm 2). Supporting the specified pressure during 2 mines, be convinced of absence of leaks of a liquid from system, through hoses and connections.
In the presence of liquid leaks eliminate them or replace faulty details.

       THE NOTE
The temperature of a cooling liquid can be very high. Do not open cooling system on the hot engine as thus there can be an emission of a hot liquid that will cause burns. Start works with cooling system only after engine cooling.

Dry wipe checked knots and connections of system of cooling.
At removal of the verifying adaptation watch that from it the cooling liquid has not poured out.
At installation, check and removal of the verifying adaptation try not to deform a radiator mouth.
Check of a stopper of a radiator of system of cooling  

Fig. 2.89. The adaptation for check of a stopper of a radiator

Remove a radiator stopper, moisten a lining of a stopper with a cooling liquid and establish a stopper on the adaptation for check (fig. 2.89).
Create the adaptation pressure until the arrow of a manometre of the adaptation will cease to deviate.

       THE NOTE
Pressure of opening of the steam valve – 78–108 кПа (0,8–1,1 kgs/sm 2).
Maximum permissible value – 65 кПа (0,66 kgs/sm 2).

Be convinced that opening of valves occurs at pressure not less specified.
If opening of valves begins at smaller pressure, replace a radiator stopper.

       THE NOTE
Before check be convinced of cleanliness of a stopper of a radiator: if on a stopper lining there are traces of a rust or other pollution, results of check will be inexact.

Replacement of a cooling liquid
It is necessary to replace cooling liquid only after repair of system of cooling at which the liquid merged. Replacement within the limits of annual maintenance service is not provided. If at repair the head of the block of cylinders, a lining of a head of the block of cylinders, a radiator, a radiator of a heater or the engine were replaced, in any case it is necessary to replace cooling liquid. It is required for the reason that anticorrosive particles in a phase extra earnings, settling on details of system of the cooling, the easy metals made of alloys, provide creation of a durable anticorrosive layer. The share of anticorrosive particles in the liquid which was in the use not so is great to create on new details a sufficient protective layer.

It is impossible to use repeatedly merged cooling liquid – it is poisonous. It cannot be poured out simply in the water drain or on the earth. Utilise cooling liquid in places specially taken away for this purpose.
At plum of a cooling liquid watch that the cover of the block of the relay has been closed, do not suppose liquid hit on elements of an electric equipment and a paint and varnish covering of a body. If the liquid spills, at once смойте its considerable quantity of water.

Establish the handle of the switch of temperature in the position corresponding to the maximum temperature of air submitted to salon. Be convinced that the engine and a radiator to the touch the cold.
Remove a radiator stopper.
Reliably tighten a drain stopper of a radiator.

Fig. 2.90. A drain stopper of a radiator

Ослабьте an inhaling of a drain stopper (fig. 2.90) also merge cooling liquid.
Remove a broad tank, merge from it a liquid and establish a tank into place.
Fill in in a tank the distilled water to level between labels «MIN» and "MOVE", then этиленгликоль to a label "MOVE".
Fill in cooling liquid in a radiator to the bottom edge of a mouth and establish a radiator stopper, without tightening it.
Start up and warm up the engine before electrofan inclusion, allow to the engine to work before repeated inclusion of the fan.
Stop the engine. Check up and if necessary restore to norm liquid level in a radiator.
Tighten a radiator stopper, then start up the engine and be convinced of absence of leaks.
Check of density of a cooling liquid
The cooling system should be all year long filled by a solution этиленгликоля in water that prevents the damages caused by freezing and corrosion, formation of limy adjournment and, besides, increases a boiling point of a cooling liquid. In a contour of system of cooling
Because of liquid expansion at heating superfluous pressure is created that also promotes increase of a boiling point of a liquid. Pressure is limited by the valve in a cover of a broad tank. Higher boiling point of a cooling liquid is necessary for normal work of system of cooling. At too low boiling point in system steam stoppers because of what damage of a cooling contour and reduction of cooling of the engine is possible can be formed. Therefore the cooling system should be all year long filled by antifreeze.
As a cooling liquid antifreeze on a basis этиленгликоля for details from aluminium alloys can be used only.

       THE NOTE
Level of a cooling liquid is recommended to be checked on the cold engine as at heating its volume increases and in the heated-up engine liquid level can rise considerably.

Remove a radiator stopper.
Check up ареометром density of a cooling liquid which should be 1,078–1,085 g/sm 3.
If level in a tank below norm, and density of a liquid above specified, add the distilled water. If density normal, add a liquid of the same mark, as a liquid which is in system of cooling. When density below norm, restore its concentrate.

At concentration of antifreeze below 30 % anticorrosive properties of a cooling liquid decrease.
At concentration above 60 % frost resistance and cooling properties of a liquid decrease that negatively influences engine work. Therefore it is necessary to support concentration этиленгликоля in the specified limits.
Do not mix cooling liquids of different marks.

Hoses and pipelines of system of cooling

Fig. 2.91. Hoses and pipelines of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,3 l

Hoses and pipelines of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,3 l are shown on fig. 2.91.

Fig. 2.92. Hoses and pipelines of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,1 l

Hoses and pipelines of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,1 l are shown on fig. 2.92.
Check of a technical condition
Check up pipelines and hoses of system of cooling on absence of cracks, damages and reduction of section through passage.
If necessary replace defective details.
Insert a sealing ring into a flute on the end of the bringing pipeline, moisten a sealing ring with a cooling liquid and attach bringing pipeline to the block of cylinders.
Be convinced available labels of yellow colour on a bringing hose and attach the end of a hose with a yellow label to the end of the bringing pipeline with a yellow label.

Do not put oil or greasing on a sealing ring of the bringing pipeline.
The bringing pipeline should be inserted against the stop into a nest in the block of cylinders.
The removed sealing rings repeatedly are not used and is subject to replacement with the new.

The centrifugal pump of system of cooling  

Fig. 2.93. The centrifugal pump of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,3 l

The centrifugal pump of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,3 l is shown on fig. 2.93.

Fig. 2.94. The centrifugal pump of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,1 l

The centrifugal pump of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,1 l is shown on fig. 2.94.
Merge cooling liquid and disconnect from the pump a branch pipe of the bringing pipeline.
Remove a belt of a drive and a pump pulley.
Remove drive covers газораспределительного the mechanism.
Turn away bolts of fastening of the pump and remove a tension lath of the generator.
Remove the pump from the block of cylinders.
Check of a technical condition
Check up all details on presence of cracks, damages or deterioration and if necessary replace the pump.
Check up the pump bearing on presence of the damages, the raised noise and jamming, if necessary replace the pump in gathering.

Fig. 2.95. The pump of a cooling liquid

Check up the pump on presence of leaks of a liquid. Leaks through an aperture And (2.95) specify fig. on негерметичность consolidations of a shaft of the pump. In the presence of leaks replace the pump.
Clear surfaces of interface of the water pump and the block of cylinders.
Establish drive covers газораспределительного the mechanism.
Establish a pulley of the water pump and a drive belt, adjust a tension of a belt of a drive.
Fill in in system cooling liquid.
Start up the engine and be convinced of absence of leaks of a liquid.

Fig. 2.96. Bolts of fastening of the pump of a cooling liquid of engines in working volume of 1,3 l

Fig. 2.97. Bolts of fastening of the pump of a cooling liquid of engines in working volume of 1,1 l

Establish the water pump with a new lining and tighten fastening bolts (fig. 2.96 and 2.97) the water pump to the block of cylinders of engines in working volume of 1,3 l the moment 12–15 Н·м, engines in volume of 1,1 l – 8–10 Н·м (length of a bolt of 28 mm).
Establish a drive belt газораспределительного the mechanism. Adjust its tension.

Radiator of system of cooling

Fig. 2.98. A socket of the electric motor of the fan of system of cooling

Separate a socket of the electric motor of the fan (fig. 2.98).
Establish the handle of the switch of temperature in the position corresponding to the maximum temperature of air submitted to salon.

Fig. 2.99. A stopper of a drain aperture of a radiator

Ослабьте an inhaling of a stopper of a drain aperture of a radiator (fig. 2.99) also merge cooling liquid.

Fig. 2.100. A detachment from an automatic transmission of hoses of a cooler of oil

On cars with an automatic transmission disconnect from a transmission hoses of a cooler of oil (fig. 2.100).

Fig. 2.101. Bolts of fastening of a radiator

Turn away bolts of fastening of a radiator (fig. 2.101).
Disconnect from a radiator bringing both taking away hoses and a hose of a broad tank.

Muffle apertures of hoses of a cooler of oil and unions of a transmission for prevention вытекания oils and for protection of system against pollution.

Remove a radiator together with the electrofan.
Remove the electrofan from a radiator.
Check of a technical condition
Check up a radiator on presence погнутых or the broken plates.
Check up a radiator on presence of traces of corrosion, damages, rusts and scums.
Check up radiator hoses on formation of cracks, damages and deterioration of properties of a material.
Check up a broad tank on presence of damages.
Check up serviceability of a spring of a stopper of a radiator.
Check up pressure of opening of the valve of a stopper of a radiator by means of the adaptation for check of system of cooling.
Check up a lining of a stopper of a radiator on presence of cracks and damages.
Fill in in a radiator and a broad tank a pure cooling liquid.
Start up and warm up the engine before opening of the valve of the thermostat.
Stop the engine.
Remove a stopper of a radiator and add cooling liquid to an edge of a bulk mouth, then add a liquid in a broad tank to the top label ("MOVE").
Be convinced of absence of leaks of a liquid from a radiator, through hoses and connections.

The electric fan of system of cooling
Check of a technical condition

Fig. 2.102. Check of working capacity of the electric motor of the fan

Be convinced that the electrofan joins at giving of pressure of the storage battery on electric motor conclusions (fig. 2.102).
Be convinced of absence of extraneous noise in an electrofan operating time.

Stopper of a radiator of system of cooling

Fig. 2.103. The scheme of work of a stopper of a radiator:
a – at pressure decrease to 81,4–108,0 кПа (0,83–1,1 kgs/sm2); b – at depression 6,86 кПа (0,07 kgs/sm2)

The stopper of a radiator of system of cooling is shown on fig. 2.103.
Check of a technical condition
Check up a radiator stopper on absence of damages, cracks and deterioration of properties of a material of a lining (elasticity loss).
Attach a stopper to the adaptation for check of a stopper of a radiator.

Fig. 2.104. The adaptation for check of working capacity of a stopper of a radiator

By means of the adaptation pump create pressure before the termination of a deviation of an arrow of a manometre (fig. 2.104).
The radiator stopper is serviceable, if the arrow of a manometre during 10 with shows pressure above the worker.

The thermostat of system of cooling

Fig. 2.105. The thermostat of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,3 l: 1 – the thermostat case; 2 – the thermostat; 3 – a lining; 4 – by-pass a branch pipe

Fig. 2.106. The thermostat of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,1 l: 1 – the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid; 2 – the thermostat case; 3 – a heater hose; 4 – by-pass a branch pipe; 5 – the thermostat

The thermostat of system of cooling of the engine in working volume of 1,3 l is shown on fig. 2.105, the engine in working volume of 1,1 l – on fig. 2.106.
Merge cooling liquid so that its level in a shirt of cooling of the engine was up to standard of the thermostat or more low.
Remove bringing branch pipe and a lining.
Remove the thermostat.
Check of a technical condition

Fig. 2.107. Thermostat check

Check up temperature of opening of the valve of the thermostat, having shipped the thermostat in a hot cooling liquid (fig. 2.107). If necessary replace the thermostat.
Temperature of the beginning of opening of the valve of the thermostat 82 °С.
Temperature of full opening of the valve of the thermostat 95 °С.
Valve stroke (at full opening) – 8,5 mm.
Check up correctness of landing of a flange of the valve of the thermostat in a nest of the case of the thermostat. If the thermostat is established incorrectly its bottom part will concern edges in a bringing branch pipe that will lead to infringement of work of the thermostat.
Establish taking away branch pipe with a new lining.
Fill in in system a fresh cooling liquid.

The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid
Check of a technical condition
Ship the gauge in a hot cooling liquid.

Fig. 2.108. Check of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid

Check up, whether there corresponds resistance of the gauge to norm (fig. 2.108).
Resistance of the gauge at temperature
60 °С – 123,8–172,8 Ohm, at temperature
115 °С – 23,5–29,5 Ohm.

Cars with engines in working volume of 1,5 and 1,6 l   
Check of tightness of system of cooling
Wait, when the engine will cool down, then cautiously remove a radiator stopper.
Check up level of a cooling liquid (should be at the bottom edge of a mouth of a radiator).
Establish on a mouth of a radiator the adaptation for check of stoppers of a radiator and create in system pressure 140 кПа
(1,4 kgs/sm 2). Supporting the specified pressure during 2 mines, be convinced of absence of leaks of a liquid from system, through hoses and connections.
In the presence of liquid leaks eliminate them or replace faulty details.

The cooling liquid can be very much a heat. Do not open cooling system on the hot engine as there can be an emission of a hot liquid that will cause burns. Start to work with cooling system only after engine cooling.
Dry wipe checked knots and connections of system of cooling.
At removal of the verifying adaptation watch that from it the cooling liquid has not poured out.
At installation, check and removal of the verifying adaptation watch that the radiator mouth was not deformed.

Check of a stopper of a radiator of system of cooling

Fig. 2.109. The adaptation for check of a stopper of a radiator

Remove a radiator stopper, moisten a lining of a stopper with a cooling liquid and establish a stopper on the adaptation for check (fig. 2.109).
Create the adaptation pressure until the arrow of a manometre of the adaptation will not cease to deviate.

       THE NOTE
Pressure of opening of the steam valve 78–108 кПа (0,8–1,1 kgs/sm 2), maximum permissible value 65 кПа (0,66 kgs/sm 2).

Be convinced that valves open at pressure not less specified.
If opening of valves occurs at smaller pressure, replace a radiator stopper.

       THE NOTE
Before check be convinced of cleanliness of a stopper of a radiator as if on a stopper lining there are traces of a rust or other pollution results of check will be inexact.

Replacement of a cooling liquid
The cooling liquid should be replaced only after repair of system of cooling at which the liquid merged. Replacement within the limits of annual maintenance service is not provided. If at repair the head of the block of cylinders, a head lining, a radiator, a radiator of a heater or the engine were replaced, in any case it is necessary to replace cooling liquid. It is required for the reason that anticorrosive particles, settling in a phase extra earnings on details of system of the cooling, the easy metals made of alloys, provide creation of a durable anticorrosive layer. In the liquid which was in the use the share of anticorrosive particles not so is great to create on new details a sufficient protective layer.

It is impossible to reuse the merged cooling liquid. The liquid is poisonous – it cannot be poured out in the water drain or on the earth. Utilise cooling liquid in places specially taken away for this purpose.
At plum of a cooling liquid watch that the cover of the block of the relay has been closed, do not suppose liquid hit on elements of an electric equipment and a paint and varnish covering of a body. If the liquid spills, at once смойте its considerable quantity of water.

Establish the handle of the switch of temperature in the position corresponding to the maximum temperature of air submitted to salon. Be convinced that the engine and a radiator to the touch the cold.
Remove a radiator stopper.

Fig. 2.110. A drain stopper of a radiator

Ослабьте an inhaling of a drain stopper (fig. 2.110) also merge cooling liquid.
Reliably tighten a drain stopper of a radiator.
Remove a broad tank, merge from it a liquid and establish a tank into place.
Fill in in a tank the distilled water to level between labels «MIN» and "MOVE", then этиленгликоль to a label "MOVE".
Fill in cooling liquid in a radiator to the bottom edge of a mouth and establish a radiator stopper, without tightening it.
Start up and warm up the engine before electrofan inclusion, allow to the engine to work before repeated inclusion of the fan.
Stop the engine. Check up and if necessary restore to norm liquid level in a radiator.
Tighten a radiator stopper, then start up the engine and be convinced of absence of leaks.
Check of density of a cooling liquid
The cooling system should be all year long filled by a solution этиленгликоля in water, it prevents the damages caused by freezing and corrosion, formation of limy adjournment and, besides, increases a boiling point of a cooling liquid. In a contour of system of cooling because of liquid expansion at heating superfluous pressure is created that also promotes increase of a boiling point of a liquid. Pressure is limited by the valve in a cover of a broad tank. Higher boiling point of a cooling liquid is necessary for normal work of system of cooling. At too low boiling point in system steam stoppers because of what damage of a cooling contour and deterioration of cooling of the engine is possible can be formed. Therefore the cooling system should be all year long filled by antifreeze.
As a cooling liquid antifreeze on a basis этиленгликоля for details from aluminium alloys can be used only.
Remove a radiator stopper.

       THE NOTE
Level of a cooling liquid is recommended to be checked on the cold engine as at heating its volume increases and in the heated-up engine liquid level can rise considerably.

Check up ареометром density of a cooling liquid which should be 1,078–1,085 g/sm 3.

At concentration этиленгликоля below 30 % anticorrosive properties of a cooling liquid decrease.
At concentration above 60 % frost resistance and cooling properties of a liquid decrease that negatively influences engine work. Therefore it is necessary to support concentration этиленгликоля in the specified limits.
Do not mix cooling liquids of different marks.

Fig. 2.111. The scheme of system of cooling of engines in working volume of 1,5 and 1,6 l: 1 – a radiator; 2 – the pump of a cooling liquid; 3 – a shirt of cooling of the block of cylinders; 4 – a shirt of cooling of a head of the block of cylinders; 5 – a radiator of a heater of salon; 6 – the thermostat

The scheme of system of cooling of engines in working volume of 1,5 and 1,6 l is shown on fig. 2.111.

If level in a tank below norm, and density of a liquid above specified, add the distilled water. If density
Normal, add a liquid of the same mark, as the liquid which has been filled in in system of cooling. If density below norm, finish it to norm, having added a concentrate.

Fig. 2.112. Hoses and pipelines of system of cooling of engines in working volume
1,5 and 1,6 l

Hoses and pipelines of system of cooling of engines in working volume of 1,5 and 1,6 l are shown on fig. 2.112.
Check of a technical condition
Check up pipelines and hoses of system of cooling on absence of cracks, damages and reduction of section through passage.
If necessary replace defective details.

Do not put oil or greasing on a sealing ring of the bringing pipeline.
Clear connections of the pipeline of sand, a dust, etc.
Bringing pipeline insert against the stop into a nest in the block of cylinders.
The removed sealing ring repeatedly is not used and is subject to replacement with the new.


Fig. 2.113. Installation of the pump of a cooling liquid: 1 – the block of cylinders; 2 - the bringing pipeline; 3 – the pump of a cooling liquid

Insert a sealing ring into a flute on the end of the bringing pipeline, moisten a sealing ring with a cooling liquid and attach bringing pipeline to the block of cylinders (fig. 2.113).

The centrifugal pump of system of cooling  
Merge cooling liquid and disconnect from the pump a branch pipe of the bringing pipeline.
Remove a belt of a drive and a pump pulley.
Remove drive covers газораспределительного the mechanism and bypass a roller of a belt of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism.
Turn away bolts of fastening of the pump and remove a tension lath of the generator.

Fig. 2.114. The centrifugal pump of system of cooling: 1 – the bottom lath of the generator; 2 – the pump;
3 – a lining; 4 – a pump pulley; 5 – приводной a belt

Remove the pump from the block of cylinders (fig. 2.114).
Check of a technical condition
Check up all details on presence of cracks, damages or deterioration and if necessary replace the pump.
Check up the pump bearing on presence of the damages, the raised noise and jamming, if necessary replace the pump in gathering.
Check up the pump on presence of leaks of a liquid. Leaks specify on негерметичность consolidations of a shaft of the pump. In the presence of leaks replace the pump.
Clear surfaces of interface of the pump and the block of cylinders.

Fig. 2.115. Bolts of fastening of the pump of a cooling liquid to the block of cylinders

Establish the pump with a new lining and tighten fastening bolts (fig. 2.115) the specified moment.
The moment of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of the water pump to the block of cylinders, Н·м:

Fig. 2.116. A radiator of system of cooling: 1 – the top support of a radiator; 2 – a radiator stopper; 3 – a hose of a broad tank; 4 – a bringing hose of a radiator; 5 – a broad tank; 6 – the fan electric motor; 7 – the bottom elastic support; 8 – hoses of a cooler of oil (cars with an automatic transmission); 9 – a taking away hose of a radiator

Bolts And (fig. 2.116 see)..... 12–15
Bolts В..... 20–27
Establish a tension roller and a drive belt газораспределительного the mechanism. Adjust a tension of a belt of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism. Establish drive covers газораспределительного the mechanism.
Establish a pulley of the pump of a cooling liquid and a drive belt, adjust a belt tension.
Fill in in system cooling liquid.
Start up the engine and be convinced of absence of leaks of a cooling liquid.

Radiator of system of cooling
The radiator of system of cooling is shown on fig. 2.116.

Fig. 2.117. A socket of the electric motor of the fan of system of cooling

Separate a socket of the electric motor of the fan (fig. 2.117).
Establish the handle of the switch of temperature in the position corresponding to the maximum temperature of air submitted to salon.

Fig. 2.118. A stopper of a drain aperture of a radiator

Ослабьте an inhaling of a stopper of a drain aperture of a radiator (fig. 2.118) also merge cooling liquid.

Fig. 2.119. A detachment from an automatic transmission of hoses of a cooler of oil

On cars with an automatic transmission disconnect from a transmission hoses маслоохладителя (fig. 2.119).

Muffle apertures of hoses of a cooler of oil and unions of a transmission for prevention вытекания oils and for protection of system against pollution.

Fig. 2.120. Bolts of fastening of a radiator Remove a radiator together with the electrofan.

Turn away bolts of fastening of a radiator (fig. 2.120).
Remove a radiator together with the electrofan.
Remove the electrofan from a radiator.
Check of a technical condition
Check up a radiator on absence погнутых or the broken plates.
Check up a radiator on absence of traces of corrosion, damages and a scum.
Check up radiator hoses on absence of cracks, damages and deterioration of properties of a material.
Check up a broad tank on absence of damages.
Check up serviceability of a spring of a stopper of a radiator.
Check up pressure of opening of the valve of a stopper of a radiator by means of the adaptation for check of system of cooling.
Check up a lining of a stopper of a radiator on absence of cracks and damages.
Fill in in a radiator and a broad tank a pure cooling liquid.
Start up and warm up the engine before opening of the valve of the thermostat.
Stop the engine.
Remove a stopper of a radiator and add cooling liquid to an edge of a bulk mouth, then add a liquid in a broad tank to the top label ("MOVE").
Be convinced of absence of leaks of a liquid from a radiator, through hoses and connections.

The electric fan of system of cooling  
Check of a technical condition

Fig. 2.121. Check of working capacity of the electric motor of the fan

Be convinced that the electrofan joins at giving of pressure of the storage battery on electric motor conclusions (fig. 2.121).
Be convinced of absence of extraneous noise in an electrofan operating time.

Stopper of a radiator of system of cooling  
Check of a technical condition

Fig. 2.122. The scheme of work of a stopper of a radiator:
a – at pressure decrease to 81,4–108,0 кПа (0,83–1,1 kgs/sm2); b – at depression 6,86 кПа (0,07 kgs/sm2)

Check up a radiator stopper on absence of damages, cracks and deterioration of properties of a material of a lining (elasticity loss) (fig. 2.122).
Attach a stopper to the adaptation for check of a stopper of a radiator.

Fig. 2.123. The adaptation for check of working capacity of a stopper of a radiator

By means of the adaptation pump create pressure before the termination of a deviation of an arrow of a manometre (fig. 2.123).
The radiator stopper is serviceable, if the arrow of a manometre during 10 with shows pressure above the worker.

The thermostat of system of cooling

Fig. 2.124. The thermostat of system of cooling: 1 – the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid; 2 – the thermostat case; 3 – a lining; 4 – the thermostat; 5 – a lining; 6 – a bringing branch pipe

The thermostat of system of cooling is shown on fig. 2.124.
Merge cooling liquid so that its level in a shirt of cooling of the engine was up to standard of the thermostat or more low.
Remove bringing branch pipe and a lining.
Remove the thermostat.
Check of a technical condition

Fig. 2.125. The scheme of check of the thermostat: 1 – the thermometer

Check up temperature of opening of the valve of the thermostat, having shipped the thermostat in a hot cooling liquid (fig. 2.125). If necessary replace the thermostat.
Temperature of the beginning of opening of the valve of the thermostat–82 °С.
Temperature of full opening of the valve of the thermostat–95 °С.
Check up correctness of landing of a flange of the valve of the thermostat in a nest of the case of the thermostat. If the thermostat is established incorrectly its bottom part will concern edges in a bringing branch pipe that will lead to infringement of work of the thermostat.
Establish taking away branch pipe with a new lining.
Fill in in system a fresh cooling liquid.

The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid
Merge cooling liquid so that its level in a shirt of cooling of the engine was up to standard of the thermostat or more low.
Remove the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid.
Check of a technical condition
Ship the gauge in a hot cooling liquid.

Fig. 2.126. The scheme of check of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid

Check up, whether there corresponds resistance of the gauge to norm (fig. 2.126).
Resistance of the gauge at temperature 20 °С should be 2,31–2,59 clod.
Screw a hand the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid in an aperture in the thermostat case.
Tighten the gauge the moment 20–40 Н·м.
Fill in in system a fresh cooling liquid.