Convergence of wheels, mm:
The back
-2 … +2 (as much as possible admissible difference between wheels - 1,5 mm)
2�2 (as much as possible admissible difference between wheels - 2 mm)
Disorder of wheels, hailstones:
The back
0��30 ' (as much as possible admissible difference between wheels - 0 � 30 ')
-1�yo30 ' (as much as possible admissible difference between wheels - 45 ')
Longitudinal angle of slope of an axis of turn (cars with the steering amplifier):
The standard
For the European countries and Australia
Longitudinal angle of slope of an axis of turn (cars without the steering amplifier):
The standard
For the European countries and Australia
As much as possible admissible difference between wheels
Cross-section angle of slope of an axis of turn of forward wheels
Distance between a point of intersection of an axis of turn of forward wheels with a plane of road and the contact centre
Tyres with road, mm
Withdrawal of forward wheels, mm
�3 (Forward 1 mm)
Type of disks
Steel, stamped
The size of disks
4,5Jx13; 5,0Jx14
The size of tyres
155/80 R13, 175/65 R14, 185/55 R15
Pressure in tyres, kgs/sm 2
Spare (докатное) a wheel:
The size of a disk
The size of the tyre
Pressure in the tyre, kgs/sm 2
Т105/70 D14
At convergence adjustment rotate both steering draughts on identical size (fig. 4.53).
Before adjustment of a convergence of forward wheels ослабьте an inhaling of external collars of fastening of protective covers of the steering mechanism to prevent them перекручивание.
Upon termination of adjustment tighten counternuts of tips of steering draughts and external collars of covers of the steering mechanism.
Regulate a convergence of each wheel in limits �1,5 mm.
Control value of a longitudinal corner
Cars with a steering with the amplifier
Cars with a steering without the amplifier
For the European countries and Australia
For other countries
Before check of corners of installation of forward wheels replace the worn out and damaged details of a forward suspension bracket.
Check of corners of installation of wheels spend by means of the computer equipment for check of corners of installation of forward and back wheels.
Disorder of wheels and longitudinal angle of slope of an axis of turn of forward wheels establish at factory and during operation they are not subject to adjustment.
At a deviation of corners of disorder and a longitudinal corner of an axis of turn from norm replace on-gnutye and the damaged details of a suspension bracket.
The difference between a corner of disorder and a longitudinal angle of slope of an axis of turn between left and right wheels should be in limits 0��30 '.
At the deterioration of a protector exceeding maximum permissible value (1,6 mm), stano-vjatsja deterioration indicators are visible .
In case of use гайковерта check the moment of an inhaling with the help динамометрического a key.