Repair Hyundai Getz

Hyundai Getz. The maintenance
+ 1. Operation and maintenance service
+ 2. The engine
+ 3. Transmission
- 4. A running gear
   Forward suspension bracket
   Back suspension bracket
   Wheels and tyres
   Possible malfunctions of a running gear, their reason and ways of elimination
+ 5. A steering
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. An electric equipment
+ 8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes


Hyundai Getz>> Running gear>> Forward suspension bracket
Technical characteristics of a forward suspension bracket
Type of telescopic racks
The hydraulic
Length of a course of a rod of a rack, mm
The effort developed by a telescopic rack, at speed of moving of a rod of 0,3 km/s, Н (kg):
   At a return course
   At a compression course

680±110 (68±11)
220±60 (22±6)
Colour of a label
Red (cars without АBS),
Yellow (cars with ABS)

Length of springs of a forward suspension bracket a free condition and their marks
Car models
Length, mm
Colour of a label
For the European countries
1,1 l МКП
1,1 l АКП, 1,3/1,5 l МКП
1,5/1,6 l DOHC МКП (base complete set),
1,5/1,6 l DOHC МКП (other complete sets),
1,5/1,6 l DOHC АКП
For other countries and the countries of Middle East
1,1 l АКП, 1,1 l АКП (base complete set)
1,1 l АКП (other complete sets),
1,3/1,5 l МКП,
1,3/1,5 l АКП (base complete set), 1,5/1,6 l DOHC МКП of 1,3/1,5 l АКП (other levels of a complete set), 1,5/1,6 l DOHC (all models, except 1,5/1,6 l DOHC МКП)
Symbols: МКП – cars with a mechanical transmission; АКП – cars with an automatic transmission.

Length of springs of a forward suspension bracket a free condition and their marks
Car models
Length, mm
Colour of labels
For the European countries of 1,1 l
1,3/1,5/1,6 l (all models)

Telescopic rack of a forward suspension bracket

Fig. 4.1. A telescopic rack of a forward suspension bracket: 1 – a nut of fastening of the top support of a rack; 2 – a cap; 3 – a nut of a rod of a rack; 4 – the top support of a rack; 5 – the top basic cup of a spring; 6 – a protective cover; 7 – the buffer of a course of compression; 8 – a spring of a forward suspension bracket; 9 – the bottom basic cup of a spring; 10 – the case of a rack of a suspension bracket

The telescopic rack of a forward suspension bracket is shown on fig. 4.1.

Removal and installation of a rack of a forward suspension bracket
Remove a forward wheel.
Without applying excessive efforts, disconnect from a rack of a suspension bracket the holder of a brake hose and a socket of the gauge of speed of rotation of a wheel.
Remove a screen wiper and a niche cover воздухозабора.

Fig. 4.2. Nuts of fastening of the top support of a rack of a suspension bracket

Turn away bolts of fastening of the top support of a rack of a suspension bracket (fig. 4.2).

Fig. 4.3. Nuts of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist

Remove a rack of a forward suspension bracket in gathering (fig. 4.3).
At rack installation watch that between basic surfaces extraneous subjects have not got .

Fig. 4.4. A rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability: 1 – a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability; 2 – a brake hose; 3 – a contact socket of the gauge of speed of rotation of a wheel

Attach a brake hose, a socket of the gauge of speed of rotation of a wheel and a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability (fig. 4.4).
Tighten carving connections by the moments specified more low.
The inhaling moments, Н·м:
Nut of fastening of the top support of a rack of a suspension bracket..... 20–30
Nuts of bolts of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist..... 110–130
Nuts of fastening of fingers of spherical hinges of a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability..... 35–45

Dismantling and assemblage of a rack of a forward suspension bracket
Remove a protective cover a screw-driver with a flat edge.

Fig. 4.5. The adaptation for compression of springs of a suspension bracket

By means of adaptation J38402, А20 compress a suspension bracket spring so that almost completely to remove effort of a spring from a rack (fig. 4.5).
Turn away a nut on a rack rod.

       THE NOTE
Do not apply to compression of springs the shock adaptation.

Remove from a rack the top support of a suspension bracket, a basic cup of a spring, a spring of a suspension bracket and a protective cover.
Recycling of racks of a suspension bracket
Completely put forward a rod of a telescopic rack.

Fig. 4.6. A zone () drillings of an aperture for gas release

Let out gas from the rack cylinder, having made an aperture (надпил) on a site And (fig. 4.6).

Let out gas is harmless, but it is necessary to accept safety measures at emission of the formed metal shaving.

Check of a technical condition
Check up the top support of a rack of a suspension bracket on presence of deterioration or damages.
Check up rubber details on presence of damages or deterioration of properties of a material.
Check up a suspension bracket spring on усадку and easing.

Fig. 4.7. Check of work of a telescopic rack

Check up a telescopic rack on presence of excessive rigidity or an unusual sound in an operating time (fig. 4.7).

Fig. 4.8. Installation of a pillow of the bottom basic cup of a spring

Establish a pillow of the bottom basic cup of a spring of a suspension bracket, combining ledges on-nice fellow with cup apertures (fig. 4.8).
Establish on a rack a protective cover.
Completely compress a spring of a suspension bracket adaptation J38401, А2 and establish it on a suspension bracket rack.

       THE NOTE
Suspension bracket spring establish a colour label towards a rotary fist.

Completely extend a rod of a rack and establish the top basic cup and the top support of a rack.

       THE NOTE
Fig. 4.9. Installation of the top basic cup of a spring

Combine a D-shaped aperture of the top basic cup of a spring with лыской a rack rod (fig. 4.9).

Correctly having placed the top and bottom coils of a spring in flutes of the top and bottom basic cups, preliminary tighten самоконтрящуюся a nut on a rack rod.
Remove adaptation J38402, А20.
Tighten самоконтрящуюся a nut the moment 69–70 Н·м.
Put greasing in the bearing of a rack and establish a cap of the top support of a rack.

Replace самоконтрящиеся nuts new after each removal.
Used greasing – NGLI No.0 for the chassis or similar.
At a greasing bookmark track that it has not got on a rubber pillow of the top support.

The suspension bracket lever

Fig. 4.10. The lever of a forward suspension bracket: 1 – a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability; 2 – a brake disk; 3 – steering draught; 4 – the suspension bracket lever; 5 – a stretcher; 6 – a bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability

The lever of a forward suspension bracket is shown on fig. 4.10.
Remove a forward wheel.

Fig. 4.11. Выпрессовка a finger of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist

Выпрессуйте a finger of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist by means of a stripper 09568-34000 (fig. 4.11).

Fig. 4.12. Выпрессовка a finger of a spherical support from a rotary fist

Выпрессуйте by means of a stripper 09568-34000 spherical support from the suspension bracket lever (fig. 4.12).
Turn away bolts of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist.

Fig. 4.13. Сайлентблоки the suspension bracket lever: 1 – сайлентблок And; 2 – сайлентблок G; 3 – a stretcher; 4 – the suspension bracket lever

Turn away fastening bolts сайлентблоков And and G (fig. 4.13) the suspension bracket lever.
Remove the suspension bracket lever.
Installation of the lever of a suspension bracket is spent in an order, the return to removal.
Tighten carving connections by the moments specified more low.
The inhaling moment, Н·м:  
Nuts of fastening of a wheel..... 90–100
Nut of fastening of a finger of a spherical support of the lever of a suspension bracket..... 60–72
Fastening bolt сайлентблока And (fig. 4.13 see)..... 95–120
Fastening bolt сайлентблока G (fig. 4.13 see)..... 130–150
Nuts of fastening of fingers of spherical hinges of a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability..... 35–45

Replacement of a spherical support and protective cover of a rack of a forward suspension bracket
Removal of a spherical support and protective cover

Fig. 4.14. A protective cover of a spherical support of the lever of a suspension bracket: 1 – a lock ring; 2 – a cover; 3 – a screw-driver

Remove a protective cover of a spherical support of the lever of a suspension bracket a screw-driver with a flat edge (fig. 4.14).

Fig. 4.15. Installation of a lock ring of a spherical support: 1 – the adaptation 09545-1С000А or 09545-1C000B; 2 – a lock ring; 3 – a spherical support

Establish by means of the adaptation 09545-1С000А/В a lock ring (fig. 4.15).
By means of the adaptation 09545-1С000А/В establish a new protective cover.
Remove a lock ring.

Fig. 4.16. Removal of a spherical support from the suspension bracket lever

Plastic киянкой beat out a finger of a spherical support from the suspension bracket lever (rice 4.16).

Fig. 4.17. Запрессовка a spherical support in the suspension bracket lever

 By means of the adaptation 09545-11000А/В запрессуйте in the suspension bracket lever a new spherical support (fig. 4.17).
Enclose greasing Variant R-2 in a cover and on a hinge finger.
Check of a technical condition
Check up the following:
сайлентблоки on presence of deterioration and damages;
– The suspension bracket lever on presence of deformations or breakage;
– A cover of a spherical support on presence of cracks and damages;
– All bolts of fastening on presence of damages and deformation;

Fig. 4.18. Check of a technical condition of a spherical support with the help динамометрического a key

– The resistance moment проворачиванию a finger of a spherical support (fig. 4.18).
In the presence of a crack in a support cover replace a spherical support in gathering.
Some times shake a finger of the spherical hinge.
Check up the resistance moment проворачиванию a finger of a spherical support.
Control value 3,5–10 Н·м.
If the moment проворачивания a finger of a spherical support exceeds the specified top limit, replace a spherical support. If the moment проворачивания the hinge less than the bottom limit, is supposed its further use under condition of absence of jamming and excessive люфта.

Nave removal
Remove a forward wheel.
Beat out шплинт and turn away a nut of fastening of a nave of a forward wheel.
Remove a support in gathering with directing колодок and brake колодками from a rotary fist and suspend it on a technological hook or a wire to a car body.
Remove from a rotary fist the gauge of speed of rotation of a wheel.

Fig. 4.19. Выпрессовка a finger of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist by means of a stripper 09568-34000

Stripper 09568-34000 выпрессуйте a finger of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist (fig. 4.19).

       THE NOTE
That the stripper 09568-34000 has not fallen, adhere it to any close located detail.

Replacement of the bearing of a nave of a forward suspension bracket

Fig. 4.20. A rotary fist of a rack of a forward suspension bracket: 1 – a brake support in gathering with колодками; 2 – a protective casing; 3 – a brake disk; 4 – a nut of fastening of a nave; 5 – a nave; 6 – a rotary fist; 7 – the suspension bracket lever; 8 – the nave bearing; 9 – a lock ring

The rotary fist of a rack of a forward suspension bracket is shown on fig. 4.20.
Stripper 09568-34000 выпрессуйте from the rotary lever a finger of a spherical support of the lever of a suspension bracket.
Establish a washer under a nut of a nave the concave party inside, as is shown in fig. 4.20.

Rotary fist
Disconnect a shaft of a drive of a wheel from a nave.
Disconnect a rack of a suspension bracket from a rotary fist.
Remove a rotary fist in gathering with a nave.
Installation is made in an order, the return to removal.
Tighten carving connections by the moments specified more low, Н·м:
Nut of fastening of a nave..... 200–260
Nut of fastening of a finger of a spherical support of the lever of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist..... 60–72
Nuts of bolts of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist..... 110–130
Remove a brake disk from a nave, having turned away two screws of fastening.

Fig. 4.21. Removal of a lock ring

Remove a lock ring (fig. 4.21).

Fig. 4.22. Installation of adaptations 09517-21500 and 09517-29000 for выпрессовки the nave bearing

Establish adaptations 09517-21500 and 09517-29000, as is shown in fig. 4.22.
Выпрессуйте a nave from a rotary fist, rotating a nut of the adaptation 09517-29000.
Remove adaptations 09517-21500 and 09517-29000, and also грязеотражательное a ring.
Check of a technical condition
Check up a nave on presence of cracks, and шлицы on deterioration presence.
Check up a brake disk on presence задиров and other damages.
Check up a rotary fist on presence of cracks.
Check up the bearing on presence of cracks and damages.
Apply a thin film universal greasing on interfaced surfaces of a rotary fist and an external ring of the bearing.
By means of the adaptation 09532-31200А запрессуйте the nave bearing in vorot th fist.
Выпрессуйте from a nave an internal ring of the bearing by means of the adaptation 09495-33000.
By means of adaptations 09517-02000 and 09977-21811 выпрессуйте from a rotary ku-varnish an external ring of the bearing of a nave.

Not to damage the bearing, effort запрессовки apply on its external ring.
The nave bearing replace new at each removal.

Establish грязеотражательное a ring.

Fig. 4.23. The adaptation 09495-33100 for запрессовки naves in a rotary fist

By means of the adaptation 09495-33100 запрессуйте a nave in a rotary fist (fig. 4.23).

       THE NOTE
Запрессовку spend with an emphasis to an internal ring of the bearing not to damage the bearing.

Establish a brake disk.
Tighten a nut of a nave the moment 200–260 Н·м by means of the adaptation 09517-21500.

Fig. 4.24. Check of an axial backlash in the nave bearing

If after an inhaling of a nut of a nave in the bearing (fig. 4.24) exceeds an axial backlash maximum permissible, means, the bearing of a nave and the rotary lever is incorrectly established. In this case disassemble knot and collect it repeatedly.
As much as possible admissible axial backlash in the nave bearing should make no more than 0,008 mm.
Remove the adaptation 09517-21500.
Some times turn a nave for bearing self-installation.

Fig. 4.25. Check of the moment of resistance проворачиванию the nave bearing

Check up the resistance moment проворачиванию the nave bearing (fig. 4.25).
The maximum permissible moment of resistance проворачиванию the nave bearing should make no more than 0,99 Н·м.
If the resistance moment проворачиванию is equal to zero, check up an axial backlash in the bearing.

The stabilizer of cross-section stability

Fig. 4.26. A bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability: 1 – an arm of a bar of the stabilizer; 2 – сайлентблок stabilizer bars; 3 – a stabilizer bar; 4 – a rack of a forward suspension bracket; 5 – a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability; 6 – a stopper; 7 – a stretcher

The bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability is shown on fig. 4.26.
Remove a forward wheel.

Fig. 4.27. A rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability

Remove a stabilizer rack (fig. 4.27).

Fig. 4.28. A bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability

Turn away bolts  of fastening  of arms of a bar of the stabilizer (fig. 4.28).
Remove a stabilizer bar.
Check of a technical condition
Check up a stabilizer bar on deterioration of properties of a material and presence of damages.
Check up all bolts of fastening on presence of damages and deformation.
Check up a protective cover of the spherical hinge of a rack of the stabilizer on presence of cracks or damages.

Fig. 4.29. Moment check проворачивания fingers of spherical hinges of a rack of the stabilizer

Check up the moment проворачивания fingers of spherical hinges of a rack of the stabilizer (fig. 4.29).
In the presence of a crack in a cover of the spherical hinge replace a cover new, having enclosed in it greasing.
Some times shake a finger of the spherical hinge.
Wrap самоконтрящуюся a nut of fastening of the spherical hinge and measure the moment проворачивания a hinge finger. It should be equal 0,7–2 Н·м.
If the moment проворачивания a hinge finger exceeds the specified top limit, for-menite a stabilizer rack. If the moment проворачивания a finger of the spherical hinge less than the specified bottom limit, is supposed its further use under condition of absence of jamming and excessive люфта.
Establish on a stabilizer bar сайлентблок from lateral aspect of the stopper located on a bar.
Establish an arm on сайлентблок.
Preliminary tighten bolts of fastening of an arm and establish an arm on the other hand the car.
Establish a stabilizer rack.


Fig. 4.30. A stretcher: 1 – a bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability; 2 – an arm back балансирной engine mount support; 3 – a stretcher; 4 – the suspension bracket lever

The stretcher is shown on fig. 4.30.
Turn away fastening bolts сайлентблоков the suspension bracket lever.

Fig. 4.31. A reception pipe of mufflers

Remove a reception pipe of mufflers (fig. 4.31).

Fig. 4.32. An arm балансирной engine mount support

Remove an arm back балансирной engine mount support (fig. 4.32).
For simplification of removal of a stretcher turn away bolts of fastening of the steering mechanism and a nut of fastening of fingers of spherical hinges of racks of the stabilizer, suspend the helmsman me-hanizm and steering bent for to the engine.

Fig. 4.33. Jack installation under a stretcher

Establish under a stretcher a jack (fig. 4.33) and remove a stretcher, having turned away bolts of its fastening to a body.
Check of a technical condition
Check up a stretcher on presence of cracks or deformation.
Check up support of a suspension bracket and сайлентблоки on presence of cracks or deterioration of properties of a material.
Establish a stretcher, supporting its jack.
Establish the steering mechanism and a rack of the stabilizer of cross-section stability.
Wrap bolts and fastening nuts сайлентблоков suspension bracket levers.
Establish an arm back балансирной engine mount support.
Establish a reception pipe of mufflers.