The moments of an inhaling of carving connections, Н·м
Nuts of fastening of wheels..... 90–100
Nut of a nave of a forward wheel..... 200–260
Nut of a bolt of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist..... 110–130
Nut of fastening of a spherical support of the lever of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist..... 60–72
Nut of fastening of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught..... 16–34
Bolts of fastening of the brake mechanism to a rotary fist..... 65–75
Nut of a nave of a back wheel..... 80–90
Bolt of the bottom fastening of the shock-absorber of a back suspension bracket..... 100–120
Technical characteristics
Working volume
The engine, l
Type of hinges of equal angular speeds:
1.наружный the hinge
2.внутренний the hinge
1. Type трипод with spherical crackers
2. Ball
Admissible angle of rotation of the hinge, hailstones, not less:
The external
The internal
The resistance moment проворачиванию bearings of naves of wheels, Н·м, no more:
The back
Applied lubricants
Greasing place
The name
Quantity, г
Drive of forward wheels with ball and roller hinges (cars with the engine of 1,1 l and МКП):
Protective cover of ball hinges
Protective cover of roller hinges
Drive of forward wheels with ball and roller hinges (cars with engines of 1,3/1,5/1,6 l and МКП or АКП):
Protective cover of ball hinges
Protective cover of roller hinges
Removal and installation of drives of forward wheels
The design description
Fig. 3.81. A drive of a forward wheel: 1 – a lock ring; 2 – a shaft of a drive of a wheel; 3 – a lock ring; 4 – the nave bearing; 5 – a rotary fist; 6 – a protective casing; 7 – a brake disk; 8 – a nut of fastening of a drive in a nave of a forward wheel
The drive and nave of a forward wheel are shown on rice 3.81.
The drive of each wheel consists of two hinges of equal angular speeds and a shaft. The external hinge consists of the case, a separator, an internal holder and six balls. In the case of the hinge and in a holder flutes for placing of balls are executed. Flutes in a longitudinal plane are executed on radius that provides a demanded angle of rotation of the external hinge.
The shlitsevyj tip of the case of the hinge is established in a nave of a forward wheel and fastens to it a nut. The hinge holder is established on шлицах a shaft between a spring washer, a persistent ring and a lock ring.
For prevention of falling of a stripper 09568-34000 suspend it on a wire or a cord to any close located detail.
The internal hinge differs from external that case and holder paths are executed by straight lines that allows hinge details to move in the longitudinal
Direction (it is necessary for indemnification of the movings caused by fluctuations of a forward suspension bracket and the power unit), and also that a twisting moment of the engine elements balls, and rollers are transferring not.
In the external hinge balls of one sorting group are established, all six balls of the hinge are if necessary replaced; balls should be one sorting group.
Details of hinges are greased with special greasing for hinges of equal angular speeds which is put in cases of hinges at assemblage. Hermetic sealing of hinges is provided with rubber protective covers which fasten metal coupling collars.
Lift the car, remove a forward wheel.
Fig. 3.82. A nut of fastening of a drive in a nave of a forward wheel
Beat out шплинт and turn away a nut of fastening of a nave of a forward wheel (fig. 3.82).
Fig. 3.83. Выпрессовка a finger of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist by means of a stripper 09568-34000
Выпрессуйте a finger of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist by means of a stripper 09568-34000 (fig. 3.83).
Fig. 3.84. Fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist
Disconnect a rack of a suspension bracket from a rotary fist (fig. 3.84).
Merge oil from картера transmissions.
Fig. 3.85. Выбивание plastic киянкой a shaft of a drive of a wheel from a nave
Plastic киянкой beat out a shaft of a drive of a wheel from a nave (fig. 3.85).
Insert mount between картером transmissions and the case of the internal hinge of a shaft of a drive of a wheel and, operating with mount as the lever, separate a shaft from a transmission.
Separate a nave of a wheel from a drive shaft, having moved a nave on itself.
Lock ring of the internal hinge of a shaft of a drive of a wheel replace new at each removal.
Fig. 3.86. Antivibrating cargo on приводном to a shaft
Check up antivibrating cargo (fig. 3.86) on presence of cracks and deterioration.
After each removal replace самоконтрящуюся a nut and шплинт new.
External diameter of a lock ring of the internal hinge of a shaft should be equal 27+0,4 mm.
Tighten carving connections by the moments specified more low.
At carrying out of repair work dismantling of the external hinge is not supposed.
In shaft hinges special greasing is put. It is not recommended to use greasing of other marks.
Collars of fastening of protective covers replace new at each removal.
The moments of an inhaling of carving connections, Н·м
Nut of fastening of a finger of the spherical hinge of a tip of steering draught..... 24–34
Nuts of bolts of fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket to a rotary fist..... 110–130
Nut of a nave of a wheel..... 200–260
In case of a reuse of covers wrap up шлицы a shaft a sticky tape not to damage covers at removal.
Put трансмиссионное oil on шлицевый a shaft of the internal hinge of a shaft of a drive of a wheel and an interfaced surface картера transmissions.
At connection of a shaft of a drive of a wheel with картером transmissions track to damaging грязеотражательное a ring.
Fig. 3.87. A lock ring of the internal hinge of a power shaft
Before connection of a shaft with a transmission establish on it a lock ring a cut downwards (fig. 3.87).
After shaft installation be convinced that it does not move from effort of a hand.
Establish washers the concave party inside, tighten a nut of fastening of a nave and законтрите it шплинтом.
Reliably fix clips, that at operation of the car collars not ослабли.
Dismantling and assemblage of drives of forward wheels
Fig. 3.88. A drive of a forward wheel: 1 – a lock ring; 2 – the case of the internal hinge; 3 – a lock ring; 4 – a holder of the internal hinge with rollers; 5 – a protective cover of the internal hinge; 6 – an external collar of fastening of a protective cover of the internal hinge; 7 – an internal collar of fastening of a protective cover of the internal hinge; 8 – a collar of fastening of antivibrating cargo; 9 – antivibrating cargo; 10 – an internal collar of fastening of a protective cover of the external hinge; 11 – an external collar of fastening of a protective cover of the external hinge; 12 – a protective cover of the external hinge; 13 – the external hinge; 14 – a gear wreath of the wheel gauge of antiblocking system of brakes (ABS); 15 – грязеотражательное a ring; 16 – a spring washer; 17 – a nut of fastening of a drive in a nave of a forward wheel; 18 – шплинт
The drive of a forward wheel is shown on fig. 3.88.
Remove collars of fastening of a cover of the internal hinge and shift a cover from the hinge case, thus track to damaging a cover.
Separate a cover from the internal hinge.
Fig. 3.89. Removal of a lock ring
Fig. 3.90. The Installation site of antivibrating cargo
Remove a lock ring (fig. 3.90) and take out a holder with rollers from the hinge case.
Clear a working part.
Table 3.3
The size And (for the left and right shaft), mm
Cars with the engine in working volume 1,1; 1,3; 1,5; 1,6 l
Mechanical transmission
Automatic transmission
The left
185,4 + / - 2
The right
390 +/- 2
390 + / - 2
Reliably fix clips, that at car operation not ослабли collars.
Fig. 3.91. Collars of fastening of antivibrating cargo
Screw-driver unbutton a clip of a collar and remove from a shaft covers of internal and external hinges.
By means of the adaptation 09495-33000 or other suitable adaptation remove грязеотражательное a ring from the case of the external hinge.
Fig. 3.92. The adjusting sizes at installation грязеотражательного a ring and a gear wreath of wheel gauge ABS